Neutrino.DREAM Plus! v2.00/20060623


Команда форума
Для 500 дрима качаем из соотв темы.
Для 7000 и 7020 лежат ТУТ

ernel 2.6.9 Squashfs 2.2-r2 LZMA-Patch
comment=ruDbox dream image
Question: How to switch off RC-click beep?
ANSWER: Main Menu/Settings/Key Setup/Key click =on/off
2006 0623
added yWeb v2.1 (Let's try it!)
added new function botton OK - channels-list output
if it not working try to stup new key for "Play"
it must be any botton but not OK
Before You make a start, see /var/bin/ and editing it for your choice.
1. Zapit to one of:
NOT TESTED! Canal+/CanalSatellite France : Astra 19.2E / 12363 V / 27500
NOT TESTED! Canal Digitaal : Astra 19.2E / 12515 H / 22000
NOT WORKING! Digital+ : Astra 19.2E / 10847 V / 22000
NEED MORE FREE SPACE AND MEMORY THAN DBOX2 HAS!Sky Italia : Hot Bird 13E / 12418 V / 27500
WORKING! Cyfra+ : Hot Bird 13E / 10719 V / 27500
2. Main menu->Scripts->Load MHW epg
Think about.
You can make your personal scripts for save and restore all epg, not mhw only.
sectionsdcontrol --saveepg /hdd/your_dir - save epg to /hdd/your_dir
sectionsdcontrol --readepg /hdd/your_dir - reading epg from /hdd/your_dir
Virtual Zap.
Settings->Misc settings->-------General-------Virtual Zap: ON/OFF
EPG Cash.
Settings->Misc settings->-------Epg settings-------
Be carefull with "Dir for epg cash"!!!
There is must be freespace on hdd or your mount-partion/directory named as /hdd/, /mnt/, /media/, /tmp/.
Example: /hdd/epg, /mnt/your_dir/epg, /media/your_dir .
Some changes on Channels-List under recording.
More big and small fixes and new bugs presenting for test.