
поменял флешку .отформатировал.все равно высвечивается SD-PAL потом boot-flashdeboog и загружается
Последнее редактирование:


3. Выключите IPBox выключателем на задней панели.
4. Приблизительно через 3 сек. снова включите выключателем сзади и следите за дисплеем. Как только отобразится надпись „AB IPBox 99xxHD ", нажмите и отпустите кнопку „Standby“ на лицевой панели, появится надпись USB UPGRADE и начнется обновление.
5. Процесс прошивки продолжается около 15 минут. Во время прошивки ни в коем случае не выключайте приемник и не отсоединяйте USB флеш, дождитесь появления надписи „Update complete“.


Команда форума
PKT ABCOM IPBOX 55,99,9900 NEBULA v2 image

Added by sh4 Duckbox Team:

- update pngquant version 1.1
- [p191] clear all buffers on demux error
- Fix SCART output for stx7111 chips
- [E2] fix for largefile Support
- [player2_191] reset TSM when tsm is in idle mode
- update jfsutils version 1.1.15
- update libungif version 4.1.4
- [e2proc] adding more compatibility for 3dmode
- [player_191] ufs910 fix ca recording bug (camrouting)
- [e2proc] new entry hdmi/output allowing switchin output on off by proc
- fix ffmpeg patch
- add vfd scrolling to hs7810a
- [autofs] update to version 4.1.4 supporting ghost mode
- [stmfb_102] fix hdmi hotplug error
- Add dual frontends for ADB_BOX
- [palyer191] add pcm delay support
- [HS7110] optimize st-merger
- update busybox 1.20.2
- update ffmpeg 0.11.1
- [starci] rework module detection handling
- [ufs9xx_cic] rework module detection handling
- [cimax] rework module detection handling

Added by PKT:

[ALL] refresh channel list without restart GUI
[ALL] add support oscam as card server
[ALL] add startup to standby function in BP->System->Standby Tools
[ALL] add new Infocenter screen
[ALL] EPG recovery fix
[ALL] NIM selection adjust for 3 positions
[ALL] added support for mini VFD in progress
[GM7162] mini VFD configuration data for startup
[gm7162] main loop:
+ clear vfd in deepstandby
+ support vfd & led settings in standby
+ fix extinguishing
[ALL] fix lightUp
[GM7162] added FP plugin settings support
[ALL] Graph MultiEPG - added searching of picons on /hdd/picon
[GM7162] set the turn off power led when starts from deep standby
[ALL] KeyMapper extensions for red & yellow key
[ALL] fix NES on startup when LNB not connected
[ALL] fix preserve spaces in text of startup from standby mode
[ALL] fix possibility of NES in startup of radio channel
[GM7162] fix setting power led in TV mode
[ALL] fix GS in instant record sometimes appears if TIMER conflicts
[ALL] added subtitles support to Media Player - TXT files with time stamp & frame stamp.
[ALL] MediaPlayer added SRT txt format , added txt speed regulation up/down key, and many more changes.
[ALL] MediaPlayer: added in srt files detection uft8 format and other fixes
[ALL] MediaPlayer:
+ fix playlist playing
+ fix FPS detection
+ fix text delay
+ added adjustment of text speed
+ fix text startup synchro
[ALL] AudioSelection screen fix - sometimes on 1st start of AudioSelection, the screen contained only empty lines.
[E2] remove SimpleBitrate
[ALL] added new skin PKT Red-HD
[ALL] added EPG key support for MultiEPG
[ALL] SD skin replace by PKT_BasicHD
[ALL] set default skin to PKTRedHD
[ALL] update WebInterface v1.7.1
[GM7162] Volume +/- key functionality fix
[SF918G+/SF1008SE+] fix time set in deep standby mode
[GM7162] added 3rd tuner detection
[ALL] force reboot for 7162 ( also 990 & ipboxes but not tested )
[ALL] added paths list preserve for RecPaths
[UFS910] remove SU2 fix
[ALL] added oscam logs info in InfoCenter - required disabled authorization to http and access to local host
[ALL] Add HDMI CEC on/off, default OFF, work only with SF1028/SF1008+/SF918+/UFS912
[ADB] fix twin-tuner
[UFS912] add support for mtd5 - now all flash space is using
[ALL] fix missing lib for grab
[ADB] Add BSKA fan support
[ALL] fix TTX
[ALL] event name fix
[ALL] fix for channels list picons located on external media like /hdd , /usb
[ALL] SecondEvent in channel list speedup
[9900] Boot Setup - fix exit key
[ALL] next fix for mbox ecm info
[ALL] Emu Manager v 1.0.8
[GM7162] fix 3rd tuner
[gm7162] added REC support on VFD
[cuberevo] time fix in deep standby

Special THX to TDT

FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam





Поставил ради интереса
красиво, много функций
отсканировал каналы, поставил мжкамд133
запустил мжкамд
включил нтв

на втором переключении каналов ушло в вечную зелень
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 201, in processDelay
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 9, in __call__
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 483, in runNextScreen
session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScreen, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 302, in openWithCallback
dlg =, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 312, in open
dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 247, in instantiateDialog
return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 272, in doInstantiateDialog
readSkin(dlg, None, dlg.skinName, desktop)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 544, in readSkin
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 2, in my_import
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/", line 6, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 171, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 48, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 169, in ecm
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 160, in parse
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0xa2b96c>>,()) failed)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/settings
resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/settings
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??)
resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/settings
resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/settings
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)
resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/enigma2/settings
resolve: -> /etc/enigma2/settings

Сперва думал что изза русского языка
Переустановил, выбрал английский
таже хрень

снес, вернулся на свою старую


Команда форума
на втором переключении каналов ушло в вечную зелень
Такое же пишут и на других марках ресиверов. Еще пишут что виснет при загрузе если выключать тумблером сзади.


также как и первой версии не работает mgcamd сразу с двумя тюнерами!bad!


также как и первой версии не работает mgcamd сразу с двумя тюнерами!bad!

подтверждаю, а еще после онлайн обновления на 99й модели перестал работать пульт !bad!
Сперва подумал батарейки, ан нет-пульт в порядке.
Откат на предыдущую- пульт снова работает.
А еще с свободным местом совсем грустно ( флеш-версия -600кб после установки эму свободных). А для стабильной работы нужно минимум 2мб + без свапа любое действие по запуску бинарников ( например запуск того-же эмулятора) вызывает зеленку.

Эх, нет времени ( да и желания) своей заниматься.:pardon:


Команда форума
iscan_adm, а может попробуешь убрать все лишние плагины, оставить только ЭМУ и пару скинов.


iscan_adm, а может попробуешь убрать все лишние плагины, оставить только ЭМУ и пару скинов.

Вы про польскую? Так в флеш-версии и так скина всего 2 - редхд их новый и стандартный польский сд.
По плагинам там убирать нечего - все на блупанели их завязанно.
+ питон весь закомпилирован. Убереш их блуху - и все - цикледгрин

Не знаю, я ее пару дней поюзал- да красиво, да много нового и много упростили для улучшения юзабельности, но и много багов.
Сам их не поправиш- все закомпилено, ну а сами они их не правят, ну или если и один правят- вылазит другой.

Я уже про русский язык не говорю - сколько версий а элементарный шрифт заменить не могут ( хотя пользователи и сами уже это за минуту меняют).

Увы на 900 моделях Тидегло перестал поддержку делать, кому исходники слил - не ясно. Все молчат - ааф отказалось поддерживать, пкт делают сугубо под себя и ровнять их базу-себе дороже тк не имея исходного питона ( как у Джирки и Тидегло) писать свое практически невозможно. тк все завязано одно на другое.

Так все и загнулось на 900 серии . Аналогично счас происходит на 99 серии. Джирка не делает- возможно слил все полякам. Ну а поляки что-то там сами клепают с переходящими от версии к версии одними и теми-же ошибками без возможности на их базе делать моды убрав все ихнее и заменив на свои файлы. тк их бинарники и ядра заточены под их изменения в питоне, без которых прошивки просто не стартуют.

Попробую на днях базу от open-Pli для 900й серии, посмотрю что там можно на их базе собрать.
Только времени у меня счас нет и не факт что появится в ближайшее время.


Профи в Сат-ТВ
Здравствуйте, дайте пож-та ссылку на польскую версию, а то не могу там зарегистрироваться ))). Спс


Команда форума


Профи в Сат-ТВ
Ukryty tekst: Włączony
Dostępne tylko dla zarejestrowanych użytkowników.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 23:10 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 22:41 ----------

ipbox 99 hd


Профи в Сат-ТВ
Что только уже не проб., и разные браузеры, и цыфры с буквами, но никак, пишет: The password does not contain the required characters. Помогите...


Команда форума
Вроде здесь флеш-имидж для 99-го
Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-44XX PKT SVN-1775 NEBULA v2 Image

а здесь уже версия 3
Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-446X PKT SVN-1840 NEBULA v3 Image

Support receiver: IPBOX 99
Kernel stm24-211

Added by sh4 Duckbox Team:

- update pngquant version 1.1
- [p191] clear all buffers on demux error
- Fix SCART output for stx7111 chips
- [E2] fix for largefile Support
- [player2_191] reset TSM when tsm is in idle mode
- update jfsutils version 1.1.15
- update libungif version 4.1.4
- [e2proc] adding more compatibility for 3dmode
- [player_191] ufs910 fix ca recording bug (camrouting)
- [e2proc] new entry hdmi/output allowing switchin output on off by proc
- fix ffmpeg patch
- add vfd scrolling to hs7810a
- [autofs] update to version 4.1.4 supporting ghost mode
- [stmfb_102] fix hdmi hotplug error
- Add dual frontends for ADB_BOX
- [palyer191] add pcm delay support
- [HS7110] optimize st-merger
- update busybox 1.20.2
- update ffmpeg 0.11.1
- [starci] rework module detection handling
- [ufs9xx_cic] rework module detection handling
- [cimax] rework module detection handling
---> Nv3 changes
- fix spark7162 driver by DboxOldie
- [libeplayer3] fix free memleak on flv streams (myvideo)
- [tuxtxt] fix transparent mode
- cleanup ci/ca dev creation handling
- fix spark7162 SIG and SNR dvb-s or dvb-t by dboxoldie

Added by PKT:

[ALL] refresh channel list without restart GUI
[ALL] add support oscam as card server
[ALL] add startup to standby function in BP->System->Standby Tools
[ALL] add new Infocenter screen
[ALL] EPG recovery fix
[ALL] NIM selection adjust for 3 positions
[ALL] added support for mini VFD in progress
[GM7162] mini VFD configuration data for startup
[gm7162] main loop:
+ clear vfd in deepstandby
+ support vfd & led settings in standby
+ fix extinguishing
[ALL] fix lightUp
[GM7162] added FP plugin settings support
[ALL] Graph MultiEPG - added searching of picons on /hdd/picon
[GM7162] set the turn off power led when starts from deep standby
[ALL] KeyMapper extensions for red & yellow key
[ALL] fix NES on startup when LNB not connected
[ALL] fix preserve spaces in text of startup from standby mode
[ALL] fix possibility of NES in startup of radio channel
[GM7162] fix setting power led in TV mode
[ALL] fix GS in instant record sometimes appears if TIMER conflicts
[ALL] added subtitles support to Media Player - TXT files with time stamp & frame stamp.
[ALL] MediaPlayer added SRT txt format , added txt speed regulation up/down key, and many more changes.
[ALL] MediaPlayer: added in srt files detection uft8 format and other fixes
[ALL] MediaPlayer:
+ fix playlist playing
+ fix FPS detection
+ fix text delay
+ added adjustment of text speed
+ fix text startup synchro
[ALL] AudioSelection screen fix - sometimes on 1st start of AudioSelection, the screen contained only empty lines.
[E2] remove SimpleBitrate
[ALL] added new skin PKT Red-HD
[ALL] added EPG key support for MultiEPG
[ALL] SD skin replace by PKT_BasicHD
[ALL] set default skin to PKTRedHD
[ALL] update WebInterface v1.7.1
[GM7162] Volume +/- key functionality fix
[SF918G+/SF1008SE+] fix time set in deep standby mode
[GM7162] added 3rd tuner detection
[ALL] force reboot for 7162 ( also 990 & ipboxes but not tested )
[ALL] added paths list preserve for RecPaths
[UFS910] remove SU2 fix
[ALL] added oscam logs info in InfoCenter - required disabled authorization to http and access to local host
[ALL] Add HDMI CEC on/off, default OFF, work only with SF1028/SF1008+/SF918+/UFS912
[ADB] fix twin-tuner
[UFS912] add support for mtd5 - now all flash space is using
[ALL] fix missing lib for grab
[ADB] Add BSKA fan support
[ALL] fix TTX
---> Nv3 changes
[ALL] fix for channels list picons located on external media like /hdd , /usb
[ALL] SecondEvent in channel list speedup
[9900] Boot Setup - fix exit key
[gm7162] added REC support on VFD
[ADB] add support STV090x tuner
[GM7162] fix power led off after boot from deepstadby
[ALL] fix GS if timezone not selected
[ADB] fix cec
[ALL] fix mount /hdd for recording
[ADB] Add autodetect boxtype
[ADB] Fix BXZB support
[ALL] Info Center: added info for /movie folder if device is different then mounted to /hdd
[ALL] fix utf8 characters in cifs
[ADB] add BZZB support
[ALL] Add converter *.pyc to *.pyo
[GM7162] fix display "9" and "+" on vfd
[ALL] added manual time shift for deepstandby if not match - file: /var/config/time.corr
[ALL] added Permanent TimeShift - default : disabled (BP->System) test mode
[ADB] fix avs error
[ADB] add support CA1 tda8004
[ALL] YouTube players remover from BP menu
[ALL] InfoCenter - Oscam logs in new windows
[ALL] InfoCenter - added USB drive model information
[ALL] new method for CAM starting
[BP] added picons for 13E & Astra19E
[ALL] EMU Manager 1.1.3: added switches: Map CA and autorestart CAM
[ALL] improve stability

Special THX to TDT

FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam

Pozdrawiamy Polish Koders Team



Последнее редактирование:


Команда форума
PKT IPBOX 99 NEBULA v3 image

Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-446X PKT SVN-1840 NEBULA v3 Image

Support receiver: IPBOX 99,9900,55
Kernel stm24-211

Added by sh4 Duckbox Team:

- update pngquant version 1.1
- [p191] clear all buffers on demux error
- Fix SCART output for stx7111 chips
- [E2] fix for largefile Support
- [player2_191] reset TSM when tsm is in idle mode
- update jfsutils version 1.1.15
- update libungif version 4.1.4
- [e2proc] adding more compatibility for 3dmode
- [player_191] ufs910 fix ca recording bug (camrouting)
- [e2proc] new entry hdmi/output allowing switchin output on off by proc
- fix ffmpeg patch
- add vfd scrolling to hs7810a
- [autofs] update to version 4.1.4 supporting ghost mode
- [stmfb_102] fix hdmi hotplug error
- Add dual frontends for ADB_BOX
- [palyer191] add pcm delay support
- [HS7110] optimize st-merger
- update busybox 1.20.2
- update ffmpeg 0.11.1
- [starci] rework module detection handling
- [ufs9xx_cic] rework module detection handling
- [cimax] rework module detection handling
---> Nv3 changes
- fix spark7162 driver by DboxOldie
- [libeplayer3] fix free memleak on flv streams (myvideo)
- [tuxtxt] fix transparent mode
- cleanup ci/ca dev creation handling
- fix spark7162 SIG and SNR dvb-s or dvb-t by dboxoldie

Added by PKT:

[ALL] refresh channel list without restart GUI
[ALL] add support oscam as card server
[ALL] add startup to standby function in BP->System->Standby Tools
[ALL] add new Infocenter screen
[ALL] EPG recovery fix
[ALL] NIM selection adjust for 3 positions
[ALL] added support for mini VFD in progress
[GM7162] mini VFD configuration data for startup
[gm7162] main loop:
+ clear vfd in deepstandby
+ support vfd & led settings in standby
+ fix extinguishing
[ALL] fix lightUp
[GM7162] added FP plugin settings support
[ALL] Graph MultiEPG - added searching of picons on /hdd/picon
[GM7162] set the turn off power led when starts from deep standby
[ALL] KeyMapper extensions for red & yellow key
[ALL] fix NES on startup when LNB not connected
[ALL] fix preserve spaces in text of startup from standby mode
[ALL] fix possibility of NES in startup of radio channel
[GM7162] fix setting power led in TV mode
[ALL] fix GS in instant record sometimes appears if TIMER conflicts
[ALL] added subtitles support to Media Player - TXT files with time stamp & frame stamp.
[ALL] MediaPlayer added SRT txt format , added txt speed regulation up/down key, and many more changes.
[ALL] MediaPlayer: added in srt files detection uft8 format and other fixes
[ALL] MediaPlayer:
+ fix playlist playing
+ fix FPS detection
+ fix text delay
+ added adjustment of text speed
+ fix text startup synchro
[ALL] AudioSelection screen fix - sometimes on 1st start of AudioSelection, the screen contained only empty lines.
[E2] remove SimpleBitrate
[ALL] added new skin PKT Red-HD
[ALL] added EPG key support for MultiEPG
[ALL] SD skin replace by PKT_BasicHD
[ALL] set default skin to PKTRedHD
[ALL] update WebInterface v1.7.1
[GM7162] Volume +/- key functionality fix
[SF918G+/SF1008SE+] fix time set in deep standby mode
[GM7162] added 3rd tuner detection
[ALL] force reboot for 7162 ( also 990 & ipboxes but not tested )
[ALL] added paths list preserve for RecPaths
[UFS910] remove SU2 fix
[ALL] added oscam logs info in InfoCenter - required disabled authorization to http and access to local host
[ALL] Add HDMI CEC on/off, default OFF, work only with SF1028/SF1008+/SF918+/UFS912
[ADB] fix twin-tuner
[UFS912] add support for mtd5 - now all flash space is using
[ALL] fix missing lib for grab
[ADB] Add BSKA fan support
[ALL] fix TTX
---> Nv3 changes
[ALL] fix for channels list picons located on external media like /hdd , /usb
[ALL] SecondEvent in channel list speedup
[9900] Boot Setup - fix exit key
[gm7162] added REC support on VFD
[ADB] add support STV090x tuner
[GM7162] fix power led off after boot from deepstadby
[ALL] fix GS if timezone not selected
[ADB] fix cec
[ALL] fix mount /hdd for recording
[ADB] Add autodetect boxtype
[ADB] Fix BXZB support
[ALL] Info Center: added info for /movie folder if device is different then mounted to /hdd
[ALL] fix utf8 characters in cifs
[ADB] add BZZB support
[ALL] Add converter *.pyc to *.pyo
[GM7162] fix display "9" and "+" on vfd
[ALL] added manual time shift for deepstandby if not match - file: /var/config/time.corr
[ADB] fix avs error
[ADB] add support CA1 tda8004
[ALL] YouTube players remover from BP menu
[ALL] InfoCenter - Oscam logs in new windows
[ALL] InfoCenter - added USB drive model information
[ALL] new method for CAM starting
[BP] added picons for 13E & Astra19E
[ALL] EMU Manager 1.1.3: added switches: Map CA and autorestart CAM
[ALL] improve stability

Special THX to TDT

FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam







