Имиджи Dreambox

А кто каким имиджем пользуется?

  • Gemini

    Голосов: 120 62,8%
  • Non public RuDream

    Голосов: 12 6,3%
  • Last public RuDream

    Голосов: 8 4,2%
  • Pli

    Голосов: 19 9,9%
  • Neutrino Dream

    Голосов: 12 6,3%
  • 2Gether Stormbreaker

    Голосов: 0 0,0%
  • SF_Team

    Голосов: 2 1,0%
  • Hydra

    Голосов: 0 0,0%
  • SDT

    Голосов: 1 0,5%
  • Другой

    Голосов: 17 8,9%

  • Всего проголосовало


Профи в Сат-ТВ
Colosseum1.1 Ferrari with all Emu

Immagine per FLASH / USB / HDD / CF / NFS

- Kernel e Moduli 2.6.9 - Release 1.1.0
- Enigma 1.09 - CVS aggiornato al 17/10/2006, modificato da CTEAM
- squashfs 2.2-r2 con compressione LZMA
- busybox v1.01
- WebIf 5.9.7-Expert-Enhanced (CTEAM)
- Tuxtxt v. 1.98

Novitŕ Colosseum 1.1:

- StandBy Automatico
Possibilitŕ di programmare lo STANDBY AUTOMATICO del Dreambox dopo un Reboot completo, o ad un orario prefissato, e solo se non č in corso una registrazione.... mai piů addormentarsi con il Dreambox acceso fino al mattino, o ritrovarlo acceso da giorni dopo un blackout della corrente elettrica

- Luminositŕ Display LCD attenuata quando l'OSD non č visibile
Altra novitŕ assoluta per Enigma1:
E' ora possibile definire un livello diverso di LUMINOSITA' DEL DISPLAY LCD quando l'OSD non č visibile sullo schermo, utilissimo per chi non sopporta avere il display LCD sempre acceso.
In questo modo, il display sarŕ a piena luce solo quando avrŕ delle informazioni utili da leggere.

- Scripts temporizzati
Impostazione ed esecuzione di SCRIPTS TEMPORIZZATI direttamente da CCC panel, con tanto di opzioni avanzate

- Directory di salvataggio Epg Cache di Enigma definibile dall'utente
Impostazione della cartella di salvataggio dell' EPG CACHE di Enigma direttamente da CCC panel su una delle devices disponibili.

- Come sempre, vari altri fixes e improvements su tutta l'immagine.

Altre peculiaritŕ Colosseum:

- Start indipendente di Cardserver e/o emu
Nella Colosseum 1.0 DB7000 č implementato un nuovo emu manager, capace di gestire separatamente le emu e i cardservers.
Potranno essere avviate le emu SENZA il bisogno di riavviare il cardserver, la cui comunicazione non verrŕ interrotta, e con un notevole guadagno di tempo per il cambio.
L'opzione č "smart", in quanto l'immagine predispone da sola l'avvio della sola emu oppure di entrambi, a seconda dell'esigenza.
Restano inalterate le opzioni di abbinamento emu-provider e emu-canale, anche qui con riconoscimento automatico della necessitŕ di avvio del cardserver.

- Una nuova WEB INTERFACE, con una opzione UNICA, mai vista prima d'ora su altre immagini !!!
Si possono facilmente editare, comodamente dalla web interface, tutti i files di configurazione della emu attiva al momento, modificandoli a nostro piacimento e salvandoli direttamente nell'immagine, con un solo click del mouse!.
Questa opzione, siamo sicuri, farŕ la felicitŕ degli "smanettatori" piů incalliti !!

- Nuovo Skin e nuove nuove info in OSD, ringraziamo per la cortese collaborazione uno dei piů stimati skiner italiani, Army per lo skin "Army Nemesis".
Oltre alle vecchie, le nuove info in OSD (che peraltro era giŕ abbastanza completo) sono "7025-like" (implementate in Enigma2), e precisamente:
La data odierna in OSD (Giorno settimana, giorno mese anno), e l'ora corrente, completa dell'indicazione dei secondi

- Nuovo pannello di setup Inadyn, potenziato e ampliato

- aMule ready (pannello setup incluso in CCC panel)
Necessita di aMule plugin esterno, non fornito di default con l'immagine

- Nuovo file con i links per il download degli addons.
Il link per gli addons generici (plugins, skins, settings, games, locales...) č fornito di default con l'immagine.
Il link per il download emu NON č incluso nell'immagine, l'utente dovrŕ editare il file /var/CTEAM/downloads.url



Профи в Сат-ТВ
Gemini ver 3.20

Technical Infos:
* Enigma of: 12.10.2006
* GCC 3.4.4 Original CVS
* Web Interface: 5.9.7-Expert
* Busybox 1.2.1
* Tuxtxt V1.99

Function Buttons:
* BLUE - Blue Panel (BP)
* 2x BLUE - BP -> Extras/Settings
* YELLOW - Quick-Button (can be configured via BP)
* RED - EPG list for active channel
* 2x RED - EPG style menu
* GREEN - subservices

* Own addon server via internet.
* AutoCam: Emu can be linked to channels/provider
* Cam settings: For example emu renaming,
multichannel patch switchable ( >=7000 )
* OSD: EMM- and ECM- Display switchable
* Download and installation of additional features
via Internet from Gemini server
* System Info: Many extra box infos (for example
harddisk-temperature or all Enigma settings)
* Gemini news loaded in background
* JPEGs can be rotated and the EXIF tags can be
displayed ( >=7000 )
* Support for OGG/Vorbis
* Random function for MP3 and OGG
* Quick-Button-Menu: Many extra features for the
yellow button
* smbmount
* Support for CDROM/DVD, no matter if IDE or USB
(>=7000 )
* Record CIFS/NFS: Record to a CIFS or NFS mounted
harddisk (only working without internal hard
drive, mountpoint set to "var/mnt/hdd" and at
least 3GB disk space)
* Extra menu: Settings for many features like
Inadyn, HTTPD, EPG-Cache, "/var" swap-out and many
* Backup function
* Dreamnetcast: inclusive Shoutcast TOP(100)
* Background pictures for Radio, MP3 and SCAN can
be changed via Blue Panel
* Own scripts can be started via Blue Panel
* Calender including reminder (can be changed via
* MVI's can be converted and tested (from JPG,
* Bootlogo for 7020 can be changed via menu
* New font and libfribidi for arabic language
* EPG for Dishnetwork
* 2 new root entries for music and pictures can be
created in the filemenu
* Create your own Satellites.xml
* Dreambox can be used as printserver
(BP->Extras/Settings->Printer (LPD), FAQ can be
found in the database
* Alarm clock with volume offset adjustable
playing your own WAV-files.
* Display of current channel stream rates
* cifs-1.42b
* Multisocket second camd socket (cam1.socket)
* Register an own addon server (useraddon.xml)
* Provider, Frequency, symbol rate and FEC
displayed on infobar (dependent on skin)
* Picon integrated in Gemini (the PNG file must
have the same name as the channel) -> Installation
of Picicons via Blue Panel
* True automount, examples in
var/etc/automount.conf. Devices get mounted
automatically and also erased if they are not in
use for longer than 2 minutes (only working if the
kernel of Gemini 3.1 is in use)
* Installation of addons via browser


* automount.conf - can be edited using the Blue Panel
* Menu for recordings in the WebIF and Blue Panel, where before and after record time and the location can be changed.
* dropbear now active in all images (ssh - deamon)
* "http authentification" can now be separately activated/deactivated for the message box
* added the possibilty to have the infobar permantly active in radio mode
* now everything can be displayed in the extra field, when supported by the skin.

Fix + Update:
* attend CVS
* cifs-1.44
* Busybox 1.2.1

Interfaces WebIF: (ZAHL =number of cam) (ZAHL =number of cam)

We'd like to thank everybody who paricipated in
the "Gemini suggestion" thread. Unfortunatly many
things can not be realized from our side.
This images doesn't contain any keys or softcams.
Backups or other modified Images are not from us
and won't be supported!

If you don't install the Image in flash memory,
the flash image shouldn't be of a old version. A
swap file/partition (>= 16MB) should be present
if several processes running in background.

Download via Database

Thanks a lot and have fun
Your Gemini-Team

Support: www.i-have-a-dreambox.com



Профи в Сат-ТВ
"NEW" Zombis DS SunRise backup vom 03.10.06


Hallo Leute !
Dies ist nun mein erstes Backup eines DS SunRise image.
Dieses Backup ist vom DS SunRise image des 17.09.2006
Es ist von mir nur im Stick getestet nicht auf der HDD.
Das neue Backup zum runterladen ist dies zombi´s_ds-sunrise-03.10.06_multiboot.rar
Das backup ist 18,8 mb groß und braucht zur Wiederherstellung ca. 44,0mb

- Ich werde keinerlei fragen über Premiere mit Emu beantworten und auch keine Fragen über Karten die mit bestimmten Emus nicht laufen.
- Alle meine Karten gehen und mehr kann ich nicht testen da müsst Ihr euch eure daten selbst einfügen (auch newcs daten)und testen.

Ein NFS Server ist im image und wird beim hochfahren der box mit gestartet.
Die Option ihn per hand zu beenden ist im image auch drin , wer ihn nicht immer mitlaufen lassen möchte beendet ihn per hand übers userscript menü unter plugins.


# Das image enthält: 8 Emus

1.Scam 2.5
“NEW” 2.Camd3 880i
“NEW” 3.Evocamd v2.11+newcs v1.18
“NEW” 4.Newcamd 6.10+betad+cardserv
“NEW” 5.CamX 27.09.06
“NEW” 6.Mgcamd v.pre1.15 +newcs v1.18
“NEW” 7.CCcam 1.30 +newcs v1.18
8.Dreamcrypt (für orginal Dreamcrypt Karten)

# 55 Plugins+FlexMenü mit noch mehr Plugins:

02.Tuxbox commander 1.14
03.Tuxmail P1.45 / D1.44 (man muß seine eigenen Daten eingeben sonst geht es nicht)
04.Dreamnetcast v1.0 ( internetradio )
05.New Tuxweter Plugin v3.14
06.Dreambox X Wetterforecast
07.Dreambox RSS Newsreader
08.Tuxtext 1.98
09.Dream Data 0.1.2
10.start streamingserver
11. stop streamingserver
12. MovieBrowserPlayer_v1_01
13.MLB v1.15
14.VLC Frontend
15.Recordings.epl Creator v1.0
16.Multi Pic in Pic
17.Bild im Bild
18.I Have ADate
19.New Tuxcal P1.06/D1.07
20.MultiView EPG v3.52 auch über rote Taste abrufbar
21.Download Sky EPG
22.EPG Refresh
23.EPG Find v3.04
24.EPGui 2.6
25.WeekEPG 1.21
26.WebEPG v1.0
27.gSub config 1.08
28.Dreambox DrTic v2.0
29.DVB-Untertitel v0.42
30.RemoteTimer v2.0
31.Bitrate Viewer 1.2
32.LCD Circle
34.Picviewer 1.14
35.Jukebox 0.64
36.CSG 1.3a Image Manager
37.Disk Space v1.01
38.Satfind LCD/TV
39.Satfind LCD
40.DVB Logger 2.6
41.LogCS 1.36
42.Scam Edit
45.Sysinfo 0.8.7
46.Feeds Hunter
47.Tux Calculator (Taschenrechner)
49.TV-Bild Schnapschuss
52.Wifi Plugin
53.Script Steuerungs Plugin (userscript)
54.PiconOffset zur Steuerung des Logos für die skins
55.Easy Logo v1.2
56.VNC Viewer
57.Language Preference (Audio vorauswahl)

# (Tuxmail und Tuxcal starten immer beim booten des image mit)

# Tuxcal und Tuxmail werden auch nach einem Standby ausgeführt,man sieht seine Termine und Geburtstage oder mail´s also auch nach einem Standby.

# 2 Sprachen Deutsch englisch

# 19 Games:+ TuxFrodo C64 EMU + Sinclair Spectrum Spiele Emu

4.Pacman 2
6.Schiffe versenken
10. 4 gewinnt
15.walls (Raumschiffe abschießen)
16.Bloks (diamanten sammeln)
19.Schach 1.A
20. TuxFrodo C64 EMU (Spiele müssen nach hdd/c64games )
21. Sinclair Spectrum Spiele Emu

# Settings sind für 8\1Diseqc 1.Astra 2.HB. 3. Astra 23,5° 4.Eutelsat 7°,Astra 28° voreingestellt aber ihr könnt ja eure einspielen.
Es ist wichtig das jeder seine Satellitenkonfiguration und seine Settings nach dem aufspielen des Backup macht.
Jeder hat eine andere Konfiguration und dadurch werden bei einigen keine Sender gefunden.
# 3 Skins insgesamt ,da ich nur meinen geänderten Skins nutze wird es in meinen backups keine anderen Skins geben .
wer andere Skins haben möchte muß sie sich selber einspielen.

1/2.orginal multiline5_lightblue 4:3/16:9 skins

3. zombi_multiline5_16:9 von mir verändert mit Senderlogo anderer font´s und noch ein paar dingen.

LCD animation beim start ,große uhr usw.

Cifs,NFS und Samba sind im image enthalten.

das backup ist eine .rar datei ,bitte erst mit winrar entpacken .
gleich vorab es MUß ein image mit dem LZMA-Patch im flash sein.

Instalation: mit Flashimage hochfahren danach FLASHWIZARD_6.3 starten,H acken raus bei setting übername backupdatei einspielen und neu booten.
Backup-Images werden im DBC nicht supportet.




Профи в Сат-ТВ
DS TEAM SunRise for DM7000/56x0/500/7000

Image per FLASH / USB / HDD / CF / NFS

+ kernel v. 2.6.9 (109.1d)
+ enigma v. 1.0.9 Mod (15.08.2006 mod DS Team)
+BusyBox v1.01 (2006.09.15-16:39+0000 mod DS Team)
+ Web Interface: 5.9.7-Expert
+ Gcc 3.4.4
+ LZMA Patch

+ ******Service 2.05 mod DS


This Image is without Keys and without any EMU
We are not responsible for what you do with it.
Only with original DreamCrypt Support



+ EmuManager 1.08
+ dsemud 1.06
+ Advenced EMU configs: Newcamd, Mgcamd, Evocamd, Gbox
+ TuxTxt 1.94
+ Manager Addons 1.6
+ MHW Support
+ Reiserfs Support
+ Flashtool Expert

Other Features:

+ Active EMU in Skin
+ Active Cryptinfos in Skin
+ SNR & AGC in Skin
+ Provider name in Skin
+ Full Time Show like in Enigma2 - 11:45:33 (HH:MM:SS)
+ Video Resolution in Skin
+ Fr, SR, Pol, Fec Info in skin
+ Info about from where channel goes, Internal,Cardslot,NET
+ InaDYN Config - DYNDNS Client Advanced Setup
+ Infobar Timeout
+ LZMA Patch
+ Display Multi-audio and Teletext on OSD
+ Internet download of addons
+ Complete busybox
+ Manual install of addons from /tmp
+ Addons manager, installer and uninstaller
+ OSD timeout configurable
+ SAMBA is included
+ REISERFS is included
+ Automount disc/part1 usb stick
+ Autoclean core files on hdd
+ Added "restart enigma" on shutdown menu
+ Move Addons to USB/HDD
+ DVBSnopp Logger
+ Movieplayer Setup
+ HDD Setup
+ USB Setup
+ Advanced Stream Info
+ OpenVPN
+ Dropbear
+ Lite Easy Skin
+ Crond
+ Included gSUB
+ mimi74 Mulitline 5 Skin


+ USB Setup now is more advanced
+ HDD Setup is more Advanced
+ File Manager
+ Plugins Manager
+ Process Manager
+ Lan Monitor
+ Stream Manager
+ **** File Viewer
+ **** File Converter
+ **** File Update
+ File Check Update
+ userMenu
+ addon manager fix
+ newcamd ca visualization fix

now You can Convert all **** formats to wchich one you want

+ BLUE Button - EmuManager
+ YELLOW Button - Plugins
+ AUDIO Button - Audio Selection
+ TEXT Button - Videotext
+ RED Button - EPG List for the current channel
+ 2x RED Button - Double Click for EPG Style Menu
+ GREEN Button - Subservices (NVOD)

Thanks to Tom0000 & ruDream for their greats SS Menus

It is up to the enduser to add them should he wish to use this image other than with a legal sub******ion card.
The DS TEAM is NOT responsible for any unauthorised use of this firmware.

7000 http://www.dsteam.cwispy.com/addons/ds_sunrise_7000.zip

500 http://www.dsteam.cwispy.com/addons/ds_sunrise_500.zip

56x0 http://www.dsteam.cwispy.com/addons/ds_sunrise_56x0.zip


Профи в Сат-ТВ


Для дрим500:


Orginal Dream Multimedia Image Release 1.09

Neutrino.DREAM Plus v2.00/20060623

Welcome on Neutrino.DREAM Plus!


file: dm500_nplus_v2_20060623.img
md5sum: 30E736E3118005B6655969C7BCB0ED98

Kernel 2.6.9 Squashfs 2.2-r2 LZMA-Patch
comment=ruDbox dream image

Question: How to switch off RC-click beep?
ANSWER: Main Menu/Settings/Key Setup/Key click =on/off

2006 0623
added yWeb v2.1 (Let's try it!)

added new function botton OK - channels-list output
if it not working try to stup new key for "Play"
it must be any botton but not OK

Before You make a start, see /var/bin/realgetepg.sh and editing it for your choice.
1. Zapit to one of:
NOT TESTED! Canal+/CanalSatellite France : Astra 19.2E / 12363 V / 27500
NOT TESTED! Canal Digitaal : Astra 19.2E / 12515 H / 22000
NOT WORKING! Digital+ : Astra 19.2E / 10847 V / 22000
NEED MORE FREE SPACE AND MEMORY THAN DBOX2 HAS!Sky Italia : Hot Bird 13E / 12418 V / 27500
WORKING! Cyfra+ : Hot Bird 13E / 10719 V / 27500
2. Main menu->Scripts->Load MHW epg

Think about.
You can make your personal scripts for save and restore all epg, not mhw only.

sectionsdcontrol --saveepg /hdd/your_dir - save epg to /hdd/your_dir

sectionsdcontrol --readepg /hdd/your_dir - reading epg from /hdd/your_dir

Virtual Zap.
Settings->Misc settings->-------General-------Virtual Zap: ON/OFF

EPG Cash.
Settings->Misc settings->-------Epg settings-------
Be carefull with "Dir for epg cash"!!!
There is must be freespace on hdd or your mount-partion/directory named as /hdd/, /mnt/, /media/, /tmp/.
Example: /hdd/epg, /mnt/your_dir/epg, /media/your_dir .

Some changes on Channels-List under recording.
More big and small fixes and new bugs presenting for test.



Профи в Сат-ТВ

Rilascio 10.10.2006

OE Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION = "1.6.0"
OE_REVISION = "e95ed0a9bc1baecaef5c9d7795a90c6ad54b0353"
TARGET_ARCH = "powerpc"
TARGET_OS = "linux"
MACHINE = "dm7020"
DISTRO = "opendreambox"
TARGET_FPU = "soft"

Immagine per FLASH / USB / HDD / CF

- Basata sulla nuova versione di sviluppo OpenDreambox 1.4
(molti aggiornamenti di programmi fra cui Samba 3.0.23c e un boot piu' veloce)
- Enigma 1.09 - CVS aggiornato al 10/10/2006
- Firmware release 1.4.0, 10.10.2006
- FP Firmware 1.01
- busybox v1.01
- WebIf 5.9.7-Expert
- Tuxtxt v. 1.98
- Pmt.tmp presente
- with-webif=expert
- with-epg=private
- with-enigma-debug=yes
- with-reiserfs=yes
- with-flashtool=expert
- with-mhw_epg=yes

Plugins, Addons, Giochi e Varie:
- lugins aggiunti:-
CTDYN 1.96 (Personalizzare /etc/ctdyn.conf)
VLC 0.2.3 (Personalizzare /etc/tuxbox/config/vlc.xml)
PIP 0.7 (Personalizzare /etc/tuxbox/config/pip.conf)
SYSINFO 0.8.7 (Aggiunto /etc/sysinfo.conf, ottimo esempio per eseguire propri comandi)
RSS READER (Personalizzare /etc/tuxbox/feeds.xml, ho aggiunto LaRepubblica® e SifTeam)


- lugins presenti:-

-:Skin aggiunti:-
MULTILINE5 (Default all'avvio, ...ottimizzato per picon 0.0.

Tutte le disponibili

Ver. 1.3
Istruzioni per l' utilizzo dell'immagine SIFTEAM-*.* per DM7020S
Opzioni in Blu Panell:
Tasto Giallo (plugins)
Tasto Blu (gestione e-m-u)
Tasto Verde (script)
Si riavvia l'interfaccia grafica ENIGMA
(vedi anche "BUGS conosciuti").

Questo menu' e' presente solo se si e' installato il pacchetto amule-hdd (di default no).
Amule e' un programma per scambio f-i-l-e (non scambiate i f-i-l-e protetti da Copyright),
l'omonimo in WindowsXP® si chiama Emule.
Avviando questa opzione si apre un'altra finestra con la scelta di start/stop (leggere
la documentazione fornita con il pacchetto amule-hdd).

Questo menu' e' presente solo se si e' installato il pacchetto ctdyn (di default si'), in
pratica serve per aggiornare il proprio DNS (tipo no-ip, dyndns ecc..).
La prima esecuzione e' meglio farla da telnet in modo da sistemare il f-i-l-e /etc/ctdyn.conf
meglio ancora e' eseguire il comando "ctdyn -h" cosi' si potranno vedere le opzioni possibili.
Comunque ho gia' inserito un f-i-l-e /etc/ctdyn.conf da modificare facilmente anche via ftp.

In questa immagine le cose piu' "importanti" risiedono in /etc e' percio' consigliato
eseguire un backup anche giornaliero di questa directory (per questa opzione ho creato un pacchetto crond, con
l'opzione di backup giornaliero gia' inserito, scaricabile da IPKG).
Avviando questa opzione si apre un'altra finestra con la scelta del
"supporto di destinazione" CF USB HDD.
Di default e' impostato a /etc ma si puo' cambiare modificando il f-i-l-e /etc/SifTeam/backupdir.

Compatibile con gli addons della GEMINI, basta copiare il f-i-l-e .tar.bz2 in /tmp
avviare questa opzione e dalla finestra che appare scegliere l'addons da installare.

Avviare questa opzione e dalla finestra che appare scegliere l'addons da disinstallare.

CREA SWAP f-i-l-e:
Lo swap f-i-l-e altro non e' che della "memoria virtuale" per il 7020 16mb sono piu' che
Dalla finestra che appare scegliere il "supporto di destinazione" CF USB HDD.
Si puo' impostare a 32MB marcando il checkbox.

Avviare questa opzione e dalla finestra che appare scegliere il f-i-l-e da visualizzare, di default e'
impostato nela dir. /var/k*ys ma si puo' modificare il percorso editando il f-i-l-e

Avviare questa opzione e dalla finestra che appare scegliere stop/star/restart del firewall
e se permettere l'accesso alla sola rete LAN (marcando il checbox).

Tasto Giallo: (plugins)
Apre la finestra classica dei plugins installati.

Tasto Blu: (gestione e-m-u)
Questo gestisce gli e-m-u, gli emulatori servono per usare le proprie "c-a-r-d ORIGINALI".
Compatibile con i pacchetti e-m-u della GEMINI, ma si possono anche installare a mano:
copiare in /var/bin i f-i-l-e che lanceranno l'eseguibile, il f-i-l-e deve essere in
formato "nomeemu_cam.sh" (...importante "_cam.sh").
Il programma cerca tutti i f-i-l-e con il nome che termina per "_cam.sh" presenti in /var/bin
e li mette in lista, per avviare/fermare/riavviare/.
Quando si sceglie "avvia" il programma, oltre che avviare subito l' e-m-u, crea dei f-i-l-e
necessari per l'avvio automatico dell' e-m-u scelta, in modo che se si spegne il decoder al
prossimo riavvio si avra' l' e-m-u scelta avviata.

Tasto Verde: (script)
Questo gestisce degli script ( utility), che permettono di vedere a video delle utili
informazioni sul sistema.
Volendo si possono personalizzare modificando /etc/SifTeam/script/script0*.sh

IPKG (tasto giallo):
Questa opzione permette di installare online i programmi.
All'avvio si apre una finestra con diverse opzioni:
Installed Packages:
Available Packages [Feed: TEMP]:
Available Packages [Feed: SifTeam-addons]:
Available Packages [Feed: SifTeam-upgraded]:
Available Packages [Feed: SifTeam-feed]:

Installed Packages:
Mostra la lista dei pacchetti installati nell'immagine.

Available Packages [Feed: TEMP]:
Mostra la lista dei pacchetti presenti nella directory /tmp
(se si hanno in locale, basta copiarli in /tmp ed usare questa opzione per installarli).

Available Packages [Feed: SifTeam-addons]:
Mostra la lista dei pacchetti presenti online, che comprendono plugins/addons/skin/ecc..
E' consigliato eseguire periodicamente un "UPDATE" (tasto VERDE) per aggiornare la lista dei
pacchetti disponibili online, ...la prima volta che si esegue e' necessario per ricevere la
lista dei pacchetti disponibili.
Qui' con il tasto GIALLO si esegue un comodo UPGRADE del sistema (in pratica tutti i pacchetti
marcati come upgradabili, di colore blu, saranno automaticamente installati).

Available Packages [Feed: SifTeam-upgraded]:
Mostra la lista dei pacchetti presenti online, che comprendono tutti gli upgrade eseguiti dal rilascio dell'immagine.
E' consigliato eseguire periodicamente un "UPDATE" (tasto VERDE) per aggiornare la lista dei
pacchetti disponibili, ...la prima volta che si esegue e' necessario per ricevere la
lista dei pacchetti disponibili.
Qui' con il tasto GIALLO si esegue un comodo UPGRADE del sistema ( tutti i pacchetti
marcati come upgradabili, di colore blu, saranno automaticamente installati).

Available Packages [Feed: SifTeam-feed]:
Mostra la lista dei pacchetti presenti online (in pratica ci sono TUTTI i pacchetti
che mi sono serviti per una completa compilazione dell' immagine).
Si deve eseguire un "UPDATE" (tasto VERDE) per ricevere la lista dei
pacchetti disponibili, (qui' i pacchetti non saranno mai aggiornati dalla versione iniziale
di compilazione).

Tasto Giallo (Impostazioni): (della finestra principale)
Qui' si possono settare diverse opzioni al programma IPKG.
Consigliato marcare queste opzioni:
Remove after Install
Force Reinstall
Force Overwrite

Tasto Blu (Informazioni):
Se premuto mentre e' selezionato un pacchetto ...ne da' le informazioni.

In tutti i casi i colori dei pacchetti variano da:
rosso = non installato
verde = installato
giallo = aggiornato
blu = vecchio

La WebIf ha ora un bottone in piu' "SifTeam Info", se premuto
aprira' una nuova pagina con altre opzioni (per ora e'
limitato a visualizzare informazioni).



Профи в Сат-ТВ
смотрел сегодня в инете и задумался..смотрю есть такие напичканные плагинами и играми имиджы..аж сегодня руки зачесались попробовать..но интересно было б услышать мнение тех кто их уже ставил...:d
А может есть ещё интересней имиджы--кто скажет?
Последнее редактирование:


Профи в Сат-ТВ
2Gether Stormbreaker v2

Key features:

* 2SMS
* 2Button
* 2shot
* EasyZap 2-in-1 skins
* Inadyn DynDNS
* Dream NetCast
* gSUB subtitling
* Inet addons with serverselector
* Dynamic progressbars
* Bitrate in OSD
* Skinselector preview
* Advanced shutdown
* Background selector
* Copy2USB
* Screenshots incl. OSD

..and... much, much more!....

-added Newcs support
-added a small config tool to the ControlSet.
-fixed restart bug
-fixed Network and CI Problems on 7020
-fixed some SkinBugs
-fixed inadyn support
Welcome to the 2Gether Dreambox Image "Stormbreaker" based on:

+ kernel v. 2.6.9 (1.09)
+ enigma v. 1.0.9 2mod (16.03.2006)
+ driver v. 1.0.9
+ busybox v. 1.01 (16.03.2006)

Addons downloadable soon over Inet.
for special functions check the Docu

This Image is without Keys and without any EMU
We are not responsible for what you do with it.
Only with original DreamCrypt Support

Key Features:
2Button - Define what u want for the yellow Button
2Shot - shoot what u want *g* "Shift Yellow"
2SMS - so what do you think its for...
send your friends a message over the net...
Dreamnetcast - included by long pressing the Audio Button
Inadyn Dyndns - thought this would be useful...
AddonServerSelector - Use your own Addonserver
Dynamic Infobar - Shows u the current useful Informations
Copy2USB - Copy your mp3s directly to your usb stick,
while pressing "Dream" inside the Filemode
Advanced Shutdown - Define when your box should go
into standby or shutdown..
Skin Preview - Previe the skin before installing
Background Selector - Select your backgrounds for:
radio, mp3 mode as u want
Bitrate in OSD - Shows the current Bitrate used,
Press OK > Video > Video

Nuch much more we dont remember...

And we shouldnt forget the Best Dreambox Skin ever:
Nemesis Greyline 3D
together with the Greyline WebInterface....

Based on Original DMM 109_1b
with Enigma CVS 16.03.2006

Official Support everywhere you find us !!!
On the develpment of this Image have worked many people together.
If someone is mentioned here it does not mean he is one
of the developers, or has anything to do with this image.

Special thanks goes to: spacy, luke_s, zg0re,
Hyrican, Nemesis, Gruffy,Hazem
ruDream, rel_cvss, Tom0000,
PLi®, xphile, The Hydra Team,
lololuy, NordicTeam, DBNA Team,
The Gemini Team, BGB Team, Malcom
and all BetaTesters,
Friends and their Wifes

Sorry if we missed someone

also to Dream Multimedia for making such a great Receiver

Build & Compiled for all our friends.
by 2Gether-Team

If you want to get in touch with us you can go here:

Have Fun.

The 2Gether Team


Профи в Сат-ТВ
Welcome to Pi² Dreambox Image based on:

+ kernel v. 2.6.9 (1.09)
+ enigma v. 1.0.9 Pimod (23.04.2005)
+ driver v. 1.0.9
+ busybox 1.0 (17.03.2005)
+ Plugins:

+ Pi Emu Manager
+ Pi EmuD Pro
+ Scriptservice 2.06
+ DreamCrypt

+ AutoDownloader
+ Advanced Management
+ Config Plugins ;-)
+ BackgroundSelector
+ DreamNetCast build-in
+ Dvbsnoop

+ Extras Menu
+ Internet Addon Installer
+ Manual Addon Installer
+ Remove Installed Addons
+ Infobar Settings
+ Advanced Deamon Settings
+ External Address Setup
+ NFS Server Setup

+ User Menu
+ EMU Manager
+ Stream Manager
+ Plugins Manager
+ File manager
+ Process Manager
+ LAN Monitor Manager

+ Active EMU & Cryptinfos & SNR/AGC in Skin

Addons downloadable over Inet.
for special functions check the Docu

This Image is without Keys and without any EMU
We are not responsible for what you do with it.
Only with original DreamCrypt Support

Read the changelog to be aware of all changes and new Functions.

Based on Original DMM 109
with Enigma CVS 23-04-2005

Official Support everywhere you find us !!!
================================================== ===========
Special thanks goes to: zg0re, ruDream, rel_cvss, Tom0000, PLi®
******, The Hydra Team, lololuy, Hyrican, NordicTeam
DBNA Team, dreamboxusa.com and dreamboxcanada.com

and to all Emu and Image Developers out there. Greetz

Build & Compiled for all our friends out there.
by spacy & luke_s

If you want to get in touch with us you can go here:
================================================== ===========

CHANGELOG better late as never ;-)

- CVS UPDATE to Enigma 23.04.2005
- Fixed some bugs in emud
- Fixed some bugs in pmt.tmp
- Added EPG Fixes for DSTV S.Africa. and Nilesat
- some menu renamings, lol

check our last image for the rest.

ANNOUNCEMENT: This is the Last Pi Image ! Not the DBF Board Image anymore !!!
luke_s and me (spacy) are no longer the DBF Image Team !!!
We quit as of peronal reasons and going to make sth on our own now !!!

Stay Tuned......

Much Much More. i dunno remember ;-)

================================================== ===========
Special thanks goes to: zg0re, ruDream, rel_cvss, Tom0000, PLi®
******, The Hydra Team, lololuy, hyrican
DBNA Team, dreamboxusa.com and dreamboxcanada.com

If you want to get in touch with us you can go here:


Профи в Сат-ТВ
pli-Flubber-The Sequel-dmxxx-20060818-1502.img

The "Flubber The Sequel" suite includes the following fixes/updates:

Remote Control:
- Added MultiEpg stuff for all rc's
- DM500/DM56x0: Exit key fixed, was our fault when updating to MV 3.5
PLisetup: Harddisk sleeptime handling fixed
MultiView EPG:
- Added epgidx
- MV does not read text epg.dat anymore but only binary data
- Updated icons by RickHunter
- Made black subtitle backgrounds a bit transparent
- 'endless' subtitle display fixed
- Small timing/queueing bug in subtitle queueing fixed
Keyboards: MultiEPG scrolling with external keyboards fixed
PVR mode:
- Added stepForward / stepBack keys
- Help description for < > keys fixed
Index markers: Parsing fixed for recorded movies
OSD: Changed eMessageBox default position so it nicely fits below the back_top in maxiZap
- Show date of first time in timeline in front of the timeline
- This will make it easier to see where you are in the EPG bush
- The date format is for example "fri 18 aug"
MultiEPG/Bouquets: loop fixed
Softcams: Allways start the default softcam at startup or at restart softcam

The Original Flubber suite includes the following components:

2.6.9 kernel
2.6.9-dream-s8 kernel for the 7020
1.09 enigma (28-07-2006)
1.1.0 Head.ko
Front Processor version 1.06 for DM7000
Front Processor version 1.01 for DM7020
Squashfs 2.2-r2 with LZMA-compression for the dm5xx(x) and dm7000 boxes
Tuxtxt v1.98
Web Interface: 5.9.7-Expert - PLi edition

New in Flubber
MultiEPG has been updated to show a Picture in Graphic (PiG). This works for the dm7000 and dm7020 boxes. Unfortunately, due to hardware limitations, the dm5xx(x) boxes do not support PIG. Instead a placeholder will be shown instead. Flubber includes a special fix to also make this work for NTSC systems. The event genre is now also shown in the event description window (when available). Now in Flubber you can even use '<' and '>' to quickly jump backward / forward in time.

Flubber supports reading 32-bit (!) png images as skin images and writing 32-bit osdshots. The Enigma internal picture viewer now works in 32-bit colormode for dm7000 and dm7020, and 8-bit mode for dm5xx(x), which now at least allows to show images on dm5xx(x). Scaling, resizing, and pan images has also been implemented. See the technotes pages.

The Skin/OSD on dm7000 and dm7020 still defaults to 8-bit colormode, but a 32-bit version of the default skin (MediaPLi) is available, to enjoy the pleasure of a full 32-bit OSD. The reason for not setting the default to 32-bit, is that several boxes show occasional green glitches in the mpeg stream, while they are in 32-bit mode. As it seems due to hardware/driver limits. We suggest you try for yourself how your 70x0 box works with 32-bit, so it is up to you to use either the 8-bit or 32-bit version of our revolutionary MediaPLi skin. Note that we have hugely improved the 8-bit possibilities for skins, by parsing palette colors from the skin images. So owners of 8-bit boxes are certainly not left behind.

See the skin technotes for more details.
As of this version you can choose where EPG data will be stored. Until now, this data was always stored in memory. When large amounts of EPG data were read, performance of the box degraded, due to lack of free memory. Within Flubber you can choose between two storage locations:

EPG Memory store: The conventional way of epg data storage. This is the default.
EPG SQLite store: Data is stored in a SQLite database, which resides in a file.

The EPG SQLite store supports storing over a network! (e.g. via CIFS). See the EPG store technotes for more details.

for skindevelopers: introduction of the 'c' specification for centered positioning. This makes it easier to develop TV-system independent skins. The 'c' takes the center postion of the parent (client)rectangle. Use it in the same way as the 'e' specification. To center a widget of 500 by 300 pixels position="c-250:c-150" size="500:300". See the skin technotes for more details.
Now support gauges for progress bars. Both gauges and progress bars do support images, again, the MediaPLi skin demonstrates what is currently possible with your new Flubber image.

See the skin technotes for more details.
Commercial skip: use the '<' and '>' (next to '0' key) to quickly skip 15 seconds back or 60 seconds forward in the recording you are currently playing
Mount manager now supports hostnames as well as ip-addresses
Added possibility to move /var to CF card
Added var_flash dir, this dir is allways mounted to the flash dir so can be used for copying the animations
Proper support for NTSC in OSD. The default MediaPLi skin is properly set so all OSD screens do fit for both PAL and NTSC. Furthermore, all built-in enigma windows are centered, on PAL as well as NTSC. (note that when a widget is defined with a height > 480 there is nothing we can do for NTSC)
Reintroduced asking for TV system: Now users again can select their TV-system (PAL/NTSC) after flashing, making it easier to properly configure PLi in the setup wizard.
Added the genoSUAVE North American satellites lists (DishPro / Legacy)
And we have done even more for our N.A. users: with Flubber, PLi now fully supports the USA DishNetwork EPG. Dish EPG is fully integrated into PLi's enigma, so all currently available EPG viewers will automatically be able to use it. (thx to the Nitro team for the Dish decryption routines)
The used satellites.xml is now dependent on the timezone which is selected at first startup. After selecting a timezone the satellites.xml used in that area will be copied to /var/etc. For now only Europe and North America are available
On zap an optional minizap OSD is shown. This OSD will go away after a timeout. When 'OK' is pressed, the minizap will expand to the full infobar. This is nicely demonstrated in the default MediaPLi skin.
Removed camx/serverng softcam/cardserver and added CCcam v1.2.1 as default in the dm5xx(x) boxes. CCcam is in "ROM" now (and not removable).
The minimal dm5xx(x) VAR-size is now 27%! Achieved by moving CCcam to "ROM"
- download fix, now via eHTTP
- downloads can be aborted now
- installed packages are marked in the download menu
- software management is refreshed after download of a new menu
- added support for mp3, streaming mp3, video files and text files
- added download indicatorbar
- remove manual install files (*.tar.gz) in /tmp after manual install to free memory
WebIf: added Enhanced SatFinder (Zoom)
Last Scanned userbouquet feature. During scanning an userbouquet "Last Scanned" will be made for the TV,Radio and Data services. This bouquet will show all found services.
Start your plugins via the help-button on your remote. Edit the registry: "s:/ezap/plikeyfunction=plugin#pluginname.cfg" to start your defined plugin, or "s:/ezap/plikeyfunction=plugins" to create the same function as your yellow button.
Bouquette down key brings you to the bouquet list instead of poviderlist
Bouquet up/down in MultiEPG opens the service selector in bouquet mode
Outside MultiEPG, the bouquet down key now also activates to the bouquet list instead of povider list, so you can conveniently open the service selector and scroll to the desired bouquet, with either up or down
Added Rebuild Movielist (Dream - File Mode - Playlist [yellow button] - Dream - Rebuild Movielist)
Fixed an off by one minute in the remaining event duration, in OSD now/next
Cron job is fixed for dm5xx(x) boxes
Introduced help texts for virtually all enigma windows (activated using the 'help' key on your remote)
DM7020 help texts translated into English (used to be German)
Removed smb-client and Samba-server from the dm7000 image, moved to downloads in the software manager
Frysk language update

General features
Custom PLi Web Interface
OSD supports: Yellow Button - Addons/Plugins, Blue Button - PLi Setup
Softcam / Cardserver setup incl. Sticky SoftCams
FTA detection: no more softcam switching when zapping FTA channels in sticky softcam mode
Private EPG for Premiere
Manual (un)install of plugins/addons etc
Enable/disable automatic download of software menu
Extra Tools: Check Cronjobs & Free Space; ECM-, Memory-, Mgcamd-Info, NetStat, Process list
Settings to control infobar on Zap and OK
- MediaPLi default skin
- 3 skin modes selectable from PLi image setup
- Custom background images for radio and file mode
- Name of the current running emu (e.g. 'CCcam')
- Video format of the current service (e.g. '704x576 4:3 25 fps')
- Caid types supported in the current stream (yellow)
- Currently used Caid (green)
- Frequency, FEC, Polarisation, Symbol rate
- Indicator for teletext
- Indicator for extra audio options
Language Setup
/var indicatorbar in Pli setup
Debug Settings
Create your own script control panel under the Blue Setup button
Firewall ready
Crond ready
Password change allowed by user to any password
Games ready
CIFS enabled
New filenaming of your Recorded Movies:
Full Media Highway EPG support for ALL Media Highway EPG providers
Menu Language selection in your own native language
Multiview Icons hosted in /share/tuxbox/enigma/pictures/mvicons,
this reduces /var with 300Kb!
Add/change/update your icons in /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/pictures/mvicons
Firewall for the 7020
VCR recording for the 500
LCD animation manager via PPanel download
Autostart gSUB if available, configurable in PLi image setup
PPanel updates including plugins, packages and progress indicator
CCcam SoftCam standard onboard on dm5xx(x) boxes
No SoftCams onboard on dm70x0 boxes, ALL to be downloaded


Профи в Сат-ТВ
New Hydra7000(/500/56xx) Phoenix Image by The_Hydra

Fixes / New Features:
- Playback fix (crash at the end of recordings) (dm7000)
- Web Interface 2.8
- USB boot fix (dm7000)

- 1.09 (108) kernel (2.6.9)
- 1.09 (108) enigma (2005.02.17)
- Front Processor version 1.05 (from DMM internal beta)
- Rdgdedit v1.7
(Radegast Edit Plugin by The_Hydra. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)
- Scamedit v1.0
(SCAM Edit Plugin by The_Hydra. Edits SCAM config and key files. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)
- Sm@rtCAM v1.2
(Sticky interface. Makes it easy to stick channels and providers to a softCAM)
(To invoke rdgdedit or scamedit press ok on the softCAM in the list field.)
- Newcedit v1.0
(NewCamd Edit Plugin by ruDREAM. Source shared with The_Hydra, a BIG THX to NiL. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)
- Control Panel v2.0
(To customise just add /var/etc/mycpanel.xml. Invoked by green button.)
- Addons / Plugins invoked by yellow button.
- Audio Priority Settings plugin by PLi. Source shared with The_Hydra, a BIG THX to PLi.
- Camd files in /var/bin for ease of use
- Password change allowed by user to any password
- Modified Simple and Stylish skin with crypt icons and active SoftCam in OSD.
- OSD supports Green Button - C-Panel, Yellow Button - Plugins, Blue Button - Sm@rtCAM
- SNR meter in the OSD
- Internet images updates
- Working DHCP support
- Bullz_text ready - C-Panel has bullz menu. Thanks to bullz (Still wating for his 1.09 compile!)
- WIFI ready - /var/etc/init now checks for WIFI
- Ability to move the whole /var directory to USB or HDD
- Games ready - libfx library now bundled with image (Still wating for the 1.09 compiles!)
- USB Format and Tools now added to C-Panel
- Addon Manager to uninstall and manual install addons
- CIFS enabled
- Libjpeg lib built by The_Hydra
- Libungif lib built by The_Hydra - For new standard enigma picviewer
- PicViewer standard built into enigma
- Web Interface:
- TS filesize selector for your recordings (650Mb, 700Mb, 800Mb, 1Gb, 1.5Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb)
- PMT file logic for more stable zapping
- Several C-Panel servers (mirrored throughout the world for faster downloads, BIG THX go to JAX, GraveR, TFH and cwispy)
- No softcams onboard ALL to be downloaded
- Tuxtxt v1.83
- Backup & Restore, Swapfile, Spiderinfo and Netpilotscript by Littlesat
- Encrypted Control Panel. You may customise your own C-Panel by editting /var/etc/mycpanel.xml.
Any settings added in this file will be concatenated to the end of the encrpyted C-Panel.
- Enigma config enhancement. Edit /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/config. Source shared with The_Hydra thx to PLi.
i:/ezap/osd/hidebginradiomode=00000000 = no background (when set to 1)
i:/ezap/osd/hideinradiomode=00000000 = osd hide after...(when set to 1)
i:/ezap/osd/timeout=00001770 (Hexadecimal value for 6000ms)
- The_Hydra on-line news service, be the first to see announcements!!!

Fixes / New Features:
- 1.09 kernel (2.6.9)
- 1.09 enigma (2005.02.15)
- Front Processor version 1.05
- 1.09 based Plugins / Addons
- Greek added
- DVB audio fixes
- WebIF fixes
- Audioselector fixes by Pli

- Also a BIG THX to many users for the offers and suggestions they brougth to The_Hydra Team!

Control Panel:
You may customise your own C-Panel by creating your own /var/etc/mycpanel.xml.
Any settings added in this file will be concatenated to the end of the encrypted C-Panel.

- Howto create mycpanel.xml:
- Create a new file with a linuxeditor (e.g. UltraEdit-32)
- Name it "mycpanel.xml"
- Use the following syntaxes to create your own Control Panel:

For Example:

<directory> # Start of MyControlPanel
<category name="Category name..."> # Begin of the category
<tarball name="Download name..." url="http://www_url/file_name.tar.gz" target="/"/> # Downloading and extracting a tar.gz zipped file
<softcam name="Emu name..." url="http://www_url/emu_name.tar.gz" target="/"/> # Downloading and extracting a tar.gz zipped emu file
<file name="Download (key)file..." url="http://www_url/SoftCam.Key" target="/var/keys/SoftCam.Key"/> # Downloading and copying a (key)file to the wanted directory
</category> # End of the category
<separator/> # Line between the categories
<category name="Category name..."> # Begin of the category
<execute name="Name binary exe file..." target="/var/bin/bin_exe_filename" confirmation="true"/> # Executing a binary exe file
<plugin name="Plugin name..." configFile="plugin.cfg"/> # Executing a plugin
<execute name="Script name..." target="/var/bin/script.sh"/> # Executing a script
</category> # End of the category
</directory> # End of MyControlPanel

- Save it and FTP it to your box: /var/etc/mycpanel.xml
- Start Control Panel via the green button on your remote controll and see your own made control panel under the The_Hydra Control Panel...

Standard Addons:


Профи в Сат-ТВ
New DBBrothers 1.8 ======>>>>

* Enigma cvs del 30.12.2005
* Web Interface: 5.9.1-Expert
* Busybox 1.01
* Linux version 2.6.9 (gcc version 3.4.4) #1 Fri Dec 30 10:28:53 CET 2005
* squashfs2.2r2 LZMA patch

<<<<========= novità =========>>>>

-> CPANEL: Recover movies updated and improved

-> CPANEL: CSG Image Manager (*)
new panel to install new images in flash-usb-hdd-cf, backups restore on usb-hdd-cf
installed image manager (rename, set boot, delete, change logo)
images and backups stored source: usb-hdd-cf and network shares (/mnt/nfs /mnt/cifs)
fully compatible with both jIM (*.jbk) and FlashWizard (*.fwz) backup restore
-> CPANEL: Package Manual install source: /tmp e network shares (/mnt/nfs /mnt/cifs)

<<<========= STANDARD FEAUTURES=========>>>

no Emu no k_e_y_s
Install addons/skins/games from internet
Install addons/skins/games manual from /tmp and network shares (/mnt/nfs /mnt/cifs)

blu k_e_y
single click: emu panel
double click: DBBrothers Control Panel

red k_e_y
double click: Default EPG panel config.

the 0 k_e_y opens up a playlist navigation window (browse of the enigma playlist); it is possible to open the EPG and to make timer event insertion from that window.
use the MENU/DREAM k_ey_ if you want to cleanup the playlist: only the last (current) channel will still remain in the list.
it is also possible to configure to close the dbbzaper window as soon as you select a channel.

-> FlashErase via remote
only for flash-install: during boot process, as soon as you get the two-faces LCD logo, it is possible to use the MUTE chicchirichi in order to launch the FlashErase process; if you don't want to Flasherase and don't want to wait, simply press OK.
otherwise, that process will wait for a chicchirichi selectio for 6 seconds.
as soon as you get the two-faces LCD logo, a welcome screen should also appears on your TV.

it is possible to configure a list of script that can be executed from the DBB control panel; it is controlled by file /var/etc/smartscript.xml and it is possible to configure command path and description, font size of the output window, check of script return value, show or hide the output window.
have a look to smarscript.xml and check the default scripts to learcn which fields to use when adding new scripts

(*) lmultiboot install is compatible with both FlashWizard and DreamFlash bootmenu.
FlashWizard, fwpro, "go", DreamFlash and bootmenu own to their respective auctors.

Available in C-Panel Download:

>>>> =======PLUGINS======<<<<
>.....DVB LOGGER 2.6<<<
>.....MV PLUGIN<<<
>.....PIP PLUGIN<<<
>.....RSS PLUGIN<<<
>.....VLC PLUGIN<<<
>.....WEEK EPG<<<

>.... dutch<<<
>.... polish<<<
>.... french<<<
>.... croatia<<<
>.... hungarian<<<
>.... italian<<<
>.... spanish<<<
>.... czech<<<
>.... deutsch<<<
>.... english<<<

***** i numeri di versione sono omessi poichè vengono aggiornati spesso*****
>..... CAMX<<<
>..... NEWCAMD<<<
>..... CAMD3<<<
>..... CAMD3 + NewCS<<<
>..... MGCAMD<<<
>..... MGCAMD +NEWCS<<<
>..... RADEGAST<<<
>..... EVOCAMD + NEWCS<<<
>..... SCAM<<<

<<<<====== Skins=======>>>>
>....all the best skins from our master skinmaker Army <<<

>..... 4 gewint(FOR FLASH)
>..... dreambox chess 1.9
>..... pacman
>..... snake
>..... tetris

...... <<<<=======Many Thanks friends and.....enjoy!======>>>>......
****home of blues.... http://www.dbbrothers.net/ ****
^^^^ ===***support board http://www.info-sat.org/forums ***===^^^^


Команда форума
Kernel 2.6.9, netfilter support (firewall), LZMA patch.
 Engima 3.3.0 by Gemini project.
 iptables 1.2.11, ppp 2.4.3,pptp client 1.7.0
 New plugins GPRS on Demand , Enable/Disable FireWall
 Editable Firewall rules. Box now can use as router.
 image md5sum 82e8bd9133dc3ebc69cd40e152ae2d04

в основе прошивка джемени 3,3
что то поменяли и вставили пач для GPRS
говорят что типа лучше работает. сам ее не проверял т.к. имею
нормальный канал.

это для DM500


Профи в Сат-ТВ
http://www.crosat.org/aploud/index...._0726[1].zip&directory=DREAM BOX ZONE/IMAGES&
rd7000 b109 060709 0726 но с лицензией..

rd7000_b109_060709_0726/rd7000_b109_060709_0726.img 5611520 bytes 20.12.2006 01:40
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ Directory 26.12.2006 19:26
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ Directory 26.12.2006 15:11
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/ Directory 26.12.2006 15:11
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/ Directory 26.12.2006 15:11
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/dreambox-gbox-inc-gboxcenter.conffiles 84 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/dreambox-gbox-inc-gboxcenter.control 409 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/dreambox-gbox-inc-gboxcenter.list 292 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/dreambox-gbox-inc-gboxcenter.preinst 86 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/dreambox-gbox.confscript 1010 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/rudream-unlocker.control 264 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/rudream-unlocker.list 31 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/info/rudream-unlocker.preinst 89 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/ipkg/status 258 bytes 26.12.2006 11:08
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/license 22 bytes 26.12.2006 03:16
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ru/ru/Neu Textdokument.txt 192 bytes 26.12.2006 15:13
rd7000_b109_060709_0726/ Directory 26.12.2006 19:32
Последнее редактирование:


Доброй ночи!

Есть dreambox dm500s, прошивка Gemini Project 4.50, эмулятор mgcamd 1.30.
Не подскажете, как сделать так, чтоб mgcamd грузился автоматически (какой файл/где править) при рестарте ресивера?
root@dreambox:~> ps ax
PID Uid VmSize Stat Command
1 root 548 S init
2 root SWN [ksoftirqd/0]
3 root SW< [events/0]
4 root SW< [khelper]
5 root SW< [kblockd/0]
6 root SW [pdflush]
7 root SW [pdflush]
9 root SW< [aio/0]
8 root SW [kswapd0]
10 root SW [cifsoplockd]
11 root SW [cifsdnotifyd]
12 root SW [mtdblockd]
14 root 548 S init
15 root 556 S /bin/sh /etc/init.d/rcS
23 root SW< [fe_thread]
32 root SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd1]
64 root 604 S /sbin/inetd
148 root 452 S /bin/gdaemon
149 root 6788 S /bin/enigma
151 root 6788 S N /bin/enigma
157 root 6788 S /bin/enigma
158 root 6788 S N /bin/enigma
171 root 6788 S /bin/enigma
178 root 520 S /bin/udhcpc --hostname=dreambox --foreground
211 root 416 S telnetd
212 root 700 S -sh
214 root 640 R ps ax

Заранее спасибо.


Профи в Сат-ТВ
а кто то знает имидж набилосат дарк стар 2 как его натсраивать


Профи в Сат-ТВ
Доброй ночи!

Есть dreambox dm500s, прошивка Gemini Project 4.50, эмулятор mgcamd 1.30.
Не подскажете, как сделать так, чтоб mgcamd грузился автоматически
Заранее спасибо.
В картинках..

После всего этого заходим в Blue-panel выбираем <MgCamd 1.30>

И нажимаем зелёную кнопку Start/Restart Camg

После всего рекомендую сделать перезагрузку ресивера и тогда ваш ресивер впоследущем когда проподает питание и.т.д. он запускать будет MgCamd 1.30
