Профи в Сат-ТВ
RTi core 1.1.1 RC1
RTi core 1.1.1 RC1
What is new :
RTi core RC1 Enigma 2 Image based on : Enigma 2 from 04-12-2010
- New Kernel with better stability improvements.
- New Overclock driver for SAFE overclocking of Sigma SMP8634 CPU up to 370 MHz .
( Overclocking is done On-Fly with step up size of 10 MHz, and this is VERY SAFE Method which allow You to
overclock CPU of Your AzBox up to 370 MHz , if something goes wrong, on reboot there are routines which
will reset CPU to default clock, so nothing can happen ).
- Fixed A/V Settings, VFD and Standby plugins are separated now.
- New Mediaplayer files, so DVD .iso and .ts files are supported now.
- Overall stability and speed of Enigma 2 is better and improved.
Появилась возможность аппаратного разгона.
Пункт в Меню/Настройка/Overlock Setup
Выбираем частоту и пробуем.
PS. Если шьете с официалки, не забывайте выключить акселерацию. Иначе получите зеленый экран. И вечный бутинг.
RTi core 1.1.1 RC1
What is new :
RTi core RC1 Enigma 2 Image based on : Enigma 2 from 04-12-2010
- New Kernel with better stability improvements.
- New Overclock driver for SAFE overclocking of Sigma SMP8634 CPU up to 370 MHz .
( Overclocking is done On-Fly with step up size of 10 MHz, and this is VERY SAFE Method which allow You to
overclock CPU of Your AzBox up to 370 MHz , if something goes wrong, on reboot there are routines which
will reset CPU to default clock, so nothing can happen ).
- Fixed A/V Settings, VFD and Standby plugins are separated now.
- New Mediaplayer files, so DVD .iso and .ts files are supported now.
- Overall stability and speed of Enigma 2 is better and improved.
Появилась возможность аппаратного разгона.
Пункт в Меню/Настройка/Overlock Setup
Выбираем частоту и пробуем.
PS. Если шьете с официалки, не забывайте выключить акселерацию. Иначе получите зеленый экран. И вечный бутинг.